3 Tips for Having Proper Posture in the Workspace
Working nine-to-five isn’t easy. Four-thirty starts to round the clock and not only is your mind out the door, but your back is aching and begging...
Everyday Posture Exercises
It takes 21 days to form a new good habit, or in fact to break a bad one. The human brain and indeed our muscles are very adaptive. Experts advise incorporating good habits one day at a time, and to go easy on yourself for making mistakes along the way. There are infinite physical and […]
How to Improve Your Posture at Work
Our long-lost ancestors worked the ‘slumped shoulder’ strut for close access to the ground when it came to dinner time. But it’s been millions of years since we lit fires and straightened up. So why do we still slouch? The medical explanation is that we slouch because the muscles that work to hold the joint […]
STAND UP STRAIGHT: Perfect Posture from Head to Toe
In recent times, we have become a generation of slouchers. Excessive use of smartphones, tablets, and computers; increased number of desk jobs; and long commutes to and from work have forced poor habits upon much of today’s workforce. Complaints of chronic knee problems and back pain have become the norm. The rise in popularity of chiropractors, […]
How To Improve Your Posture as a College Student
Your mom has nagged you enough about sitting and standing upright when you were a child, but she was right. The benefits of good posture are more than just looking good, specially as a college student where you spend most of your time sitting down at a desk in the library or an uncomfortable chair […]
The New Year Resolution Everyone Forgets and How To Keep It
It’s that time of the year, time to make new year’s resolutions and look at the broken ones we forgot to maintain. Often people forget to add “improving my posture” to their list but instead focus on losing weight, starting that diet (again), going to the gym or yoga class, and just “being” healthy. What […]
Learn From The Upright Team How To Quickly & Easily Attach Upright To Your Back
Back in my day, I didn’t have an UpRight trainer to help me with my posture. Instead, I had two loving, caring parents who would nag me every time I was slouching, and a cousin who will touch my spine every time I was not standing straight. Yes, it used to help my posture for about […]
We won an award
The IAC (Internet Advertising Competition) awarded us with the title of “Best Technology Online Video 2015” for: HUGE shoutout and thanks to TROSS for making it happen!
Which Celebrity Posture Do You Have? [Quiz]
That’s right – now you can discover who your TRUE doppelgänger is… Take the quiz to find out!