The New Year Resolution Everyone Forgets and How To Keep It


It’s that time of the year, time to make new year’s resolutions and look at the broken ones we forgot to maintain. Often people forget to add “improving my posture” to their list but instead focus on losing weight, starting that diet (again), going to the gym or yoga class, and just “being” healthy. What we all often forget are the benefits of a correct posture, and how standing or sitting upright can burn more calories, improve your confidence and help you just be healthier. The great news is that you can work on all your resolutions while working on improving your posture. Here are some tips for you stick to the 2017 new year’s resolution and achieve your yearly goals:

  1. Exercise:

“Exercise more” is on top of everyone’s list when it comes to resolutions, and doing it can help you maintain a good posture. Stretching and exercising daily will help you strengthen your back muscles, which will help you maintain a good posture that will, in return, help you strengthen your core muscles. It’s a win-win situation.

  1. Get up and move:

This doesn’t mean you need to go out for a run or hit the treadmill multiple times a day, but if you work in an office and are sitting at your desk most of the day, you should take small breaks and take a loop around the office. A five-minute break every hour will help you release stress from your muscles that have been getting tense over the course of the day.

  1. Inspirational wall:

Surrounding yourself with positive things will motivate you and help you be motivated to improve your posture and achieve all your goals. Put motivational quotes, pictures or reminders on a wall in your room, mirror or even as your phone’s screen to remind you that you can achieve what you set your mind to.

  1. Write it down:

You already have an entire wall that keeps you motivated with quotes and phrases to keep you going, but actually writing your resolution of maintaining a good posture will help you achieve it. Not only it will be a constant reminder that you need to work on your posture, but it will make it more official.

  1. Make a plan:

Set weekly goals, keep them in mind and create a plan to achieve it. The UPRIGHT app will send you reminders and will develop a training plan for you to achieve the posture you strive so hard to have, so we have you covered on this specific resolution.

  1. Stick to it:

Experts say that it takes 21 days to create a new habit, which is the exact time of our training program last. What a coincidence! But no worries, you can train for more than 21 days if you wish.

Remember that improving your posture helps you achieve your new year’s resolutions because the benefits of good posture are endless. The best thing is that you don’t have to do it alone, thanks to UPRIGHT trainer that you can get here.