
M.PT Ido Dana: My Experience With UPRIGHT

1959468_900750793302508_2081056548997049551_nWhen I came across UPRIGHT for the first time, I immediately recognized its potential as a biofeedback training device.

While all the traditional advantages of using biofeedback were clear, I also saw the advantage of UPRIGHT being a wearable device, opening a wide range of possibilities that a normal biofeedback device cannot provide.

We began using UPRIGHT, the first wearable biofeedback rehabilitation device, in our practice as a tool to improve posture. We started with patients with pronounced postural disorders such as kyphosis, scoliosis, as well as patients experiencing muscle weakness due to neurovascular diseases such as MS, and patients with walking and balance difficulties due to Parkinson’s. In all of these cases, we believed that patients would substantially benefit from using UPRIGHT.


What do Leo and Turtles have in common?




First of all, a huge CONGRATULATIONS to Leo for finally locking in that statue – it’s been a long time coming and we’ve been rooting for you. Unfortunately, your posture was far from statuesque on that stand.


Do you have turtle posture or power posture?

This question haunts us. Did you know that the way you sit hunched over at your desk has a name? Well it does, and it’s called ‘Turtle Posture’. Thank you Huffington Post for teaching us all why being a turtle sucks, and why upright posture matters. If you’re sitting in an office and are guilty […]

PODCAST: The importance of ergonomics & posture with Dr. Jennifer Horonjeff

Posture and ergonomics are the ‘hot topics’ of discussion in every Human Resources department. With an increasing number of studies coming out linking sitting and bad posture to a range of  health conditions, companies are starting to take note.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, poor posture is the number 1 reason for back pain. With a staggering 80% of the population suffering from back pain, and back pain being the number 1 reason for missed work days – the ‘sedentary threat’ is becoming hard to ignore.

So how do you make the office space safe, healthy, and effective? How do you keep employees happy and healthy, while ensuring their office time is productive?

I spoke with Dr. Jennifer Horonjeff to learn more about just that. Dr. Horonjeff  is an ergonomic consultant to big companies and corporations, and is a researcher in biomechanics and user-centered care.

Hear what she had to say…

(Click play below)


We nominate Brie Larson for ‘Best Posture’ this Oscars

Stars are getting ready for the #Oscars, but Brie Larson has already won the show. This year, it’s all about #GoodPosture and Brie’s got it, BIG TIME. Nothing screams star-quality like a perfect statuesque posture. With her nomination for Best Actress at the Academy Awards for her amazing performance in Room, Larson’s on the  pre-Oscars interview round, […]